Embark on a juice fasting journey and discover more than physical benefits. Fasting is a holistic endeavor, nurturing not just your physical well-being but also cultivating a deeper understanding of the interconnected facets of your overall health.
Giving the digestive system a break from solid foods stops the peristaltic of the colon and gives the body tremendous time and energy to heal itself and sharpen all digestive functions.
Instead of continuously digesting and eliminating food, the body has now time to eliminate toxins on a cellular level leading to less inflammation, increased flexibility and clearer skin.
By consuming overall less calories, the body retrieves energy from burning fats instead. This may lead to quick weight loss and also to more defined muscles especially in athletes and slim people.
Often we suppress uncomfortable things by eating or snacking. Instead of using the energy for digestion, the energy can now go to cognitive function, leading to more mental clarity.
The heightened physical sensibility and mental clarity increases self-awareness and feeling more connected to your own body, mind and soul, which can lead to transformative lifestyle changes.
It´s a 10-day program including 4 prep days and 3 days reintroducing foods after the fast. We fast 3 days over the weekend, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday so you don´t have to worry about work and other commitments while you fast.
Prepare for the juice fast with our comprehensive step-by-step guide and our first live group call three days before we start fasting together, where we discuss what food to eliminate when, and why. By gradually eliminating certain foods and incorporating healthy alternatives we ensure a smoother transition and enhanced cleansing effectiveness. There are lifestyle recommendations as well to optimize your experience and prepare yourself physically and mentally. The goal is not only to eliminate certain foods but also to embrace a holistic approach that promotes long-term well-being.
Fast in a community of like minded people and with our comprehensive Juice Fast Guidebook, that encompasses more than a collection of delicious juice recipes. During the daily live calls while we fast, we look at what happens in the body during fasting and how psychological factors, exercise and relaxation influence the fasting process. We go over all the many benefits of fasting and during the detox workshop I offer practical and effective detox methods for at-home and relaxation exercises to not only detox your digestive system but also the rest of your body and mind. The guide also includes thoughtful journal prompts to encourage self-reflection and taking advantage of your heightened awareness during the fasting experience.
On the last day of fasting, we have a live call to talk about how to best reintroduce food after the fast. Discover a curated selection of what to eat and why, accompanied by practical tips on preparing foods for optimal digestion in the Post-Fast-Guide. During the call we focus on a seamless transition, empowering you to sustain the positive effects of your cleanse while nourishing your body with wholesome and easily digestible choices. Three days after the fast we come together for our closing call to share your personal experience, how reintroducing food has been for you and discuss all remaining questions.
The 10-day program starts on Monday before we fast with a live welcome call and covering how to best prep for the upcoming fasting, followed by three prep days where we start eliminating certain foods from our diet. Friday we start fasting and have a live call where we look into what happens in the body when we fast. Saturday is our second fasting day where we have a live detox workshop call. Sunday is the third day fasting and we go into how to best reintroduce food after the fast in the live call. The program ends with three days reintroducing food strategically for easiest digestion and a closing call on Wednesday. Download the program flyer to easily share with your friends.
The 10-day program starts on Monday before we fast with a live welcome call and covering how to best prep for the upcoming fasting, followed by three prep days where we start eliminating certain foods from our diet. Friday we start fasting and have a live call where we look into what happens in the body when we fast. Saturday is our second fasting day where we have a live detox workshop call. Sunday is the third day fasting and we go into how to best reintroduce food after the fast in the live call. The program ends with three days reintroducing food strategically for easiest digestion and a closing call on Wednesday.
After registration, you will receive the comprehensive guide and we will coordinate dates and times for the live calls. You will also be invited to the whats app group with the others that will be fasting with us. If for any reason you cannot participate in the program you have signed up for, you can use your spot for a future program or you can find replacement in your community. We don´t offer refunds.
Let´s get to know each other briefly to see if I am a fit for you. I know it can be overwhelming to jump into a fasting program with a person you haven´t met before. That is why I offer a free 15-minute call. Get a quick impression on who I am and how I work and we´ll take it from there.